Monday, July 18, 2011


We spent this weekend in one of my favorite places on earth-- it's pretty special, so I'm not naming names, but I can share some pictures:

There were hundreds of tiny toads everywhere!

We saw tons of loons and ducks--and even a bald eagle.

Eric as pack-mule: why make three trips when one will do?

I'm teaching my friend Tess to knit!

She's well on her way to a serious addiction.

The bald eagle refused to coordinate its fishing with the good light.

He may look contemplative, but he's actually mentally cursing that eagle.


I got a bit of knitting done-- note to self: headlamps are excellent for knitting in the dark, as long as you don't mind hundreds of moths flying directly into your face-- and a ton of relaxing. It never feels like summer to me until we've gone camping.

How was your weekend?

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